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[ June 2021 to September 2021 ]

featured client
Northeast Placement Services

312 Route 169, PO Box 185
South Woodstock, CT 06267

phone: 860.963.2555



Rachael Madden
Business Office Manager

Northeast Placement Services, Inc had a non-functional, non user-friendly archaic website. Rae Dykeman of NOMAD Digital consulting changed all that. Rae created us a workable user friendly site and within a month of going live our traffic increased exponentially. Online applications poured in, whereas before, our site could not even accept someone to apply.  We are able to easily continue to update the site with current events and any question I have, Rae is quick to assist or walk me through how to complete a task myself. NEPS staff thoroughly enjoyed working with Rae and will continue to look to her expertise for our digital needs.



solution research

comprehensive web-service and hosting solution research with respect to identified current, and future needs


transition from previous web-service and hosting solution to current web-service and hosting solution


architecture | design | content | SEO | analytics

redesign of website architecture, allied to a mobile-first design and robust, direct content. execution of architecture, design and content, accompanied with search engine optimization (SEO) and analytics integration



thorough materials created for self-servicing; administrative references to task execution

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